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  /  NEWS (Page 4)

CALCIUM BENTONITE CLAY Calcium bentonite clay is a safe to use re-mineralizing agent. The clay contributes to a more alkaline pH in the mouth and releases calcium when mixed with salvia. These properties help to repair damaged enamel and prevent dental cavities Suggested use: Apply directly to teeth along the gumline and the cheeks after brushing. Coat your fingertip with

The meridian system is a key concept of traditional Chinese Medicine.  It is believed that energy—also called the life force, prana, or qi (chi)—flows throughout the body in the same way that blood does. When this energy becomes blocked or disproportionate, adverse symptoms and disease may occur. Every organ and every part of your body

TKDDS will be closed on December 24th, December 27th, and December 28th. We will have limited hours on December 29th, 30th, 31st. For any routine questions or concerns please call us and leave a message at 952-956-6700 or send an email to smile@tarakaurdds.com If you are having a dental emergency please call the Dental Emergency Room at